Giving Thanks

Two women wearing white, interacting and smiling with each other to celebrate Canadian Thanksgiving at Jewmei

With Canadian Thanksgiving around the corner, I want to take the opportunity to share my gratitude with this amazing community. First and foremost, I am grateful for God’s grace, my family, and my health and wellness. On those tough days when I’m struggling to find balance, I remind myself of my purpose and find strength knowing that “this too shall pass.” I remind myself to stop and smell the roses and bask in the simple pleasures. I remind myself to keep watering my own garden by providing kindness and self-care to my body, mind and soul. This is exactly what led me to embark on the Jewmei journey...

The Jewmei Journey

My name is Lorraine D. and I am the creator of Jewmei, a jewelry brand pairing meaningful words with symbolic earrings, necklaces, rings and bracelets. If you are new around here, Jewmei was created in 2021 during an unprecedented time when many were feeling depressed, isolated, or anxious, and in need of upliftment.

As a certified Life Coach and Human Resources professional, I have always been passionate about helping others overcome life’s challenges through positive reinforcement. Furthermore, I have witnessed how people flourish when they receive words of encouragement. The woes brought on by the global pandemic made me realize it was time to turn my passion into my mission. Hence, was born – I coined jewelry as the vessel by which humans show love and care to other humans at a time when they desire it the most.

Even More Gratitude

Through my small business I hope to Motivate, Inspire, and Encourage people to realize their full potential by providing them with expressive jewelry. But is more than just an online jewelry store in Canada. We are here to cheer you on and say, “Dear, you are strong and are doing well.” As such, I am very grateful to be in a position where I can choose to be at the helm of this initiative every day.

Lastly, I really appreciate all who support the Jewmei brand and provide feedback so that I may continue to serve you with meaningful jewelry that has the power to: pick you up when you are feeling down, commemorate your big and little wins, and fill a void of a loved one in your heart. Whether you are a returning customer, email subscriber or Instagram follower, I thank you.

What are you grateful for? Please share in the comments below.

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